This Stack has been discontinued!

MonsteRSS Stack

MonsteRSS Stack will let you embed a RSS feed on your site. There a lot of options to customize the styling and animation like fade-in, ticker or rotation effects.



A fresh dropped RSS Stack taken from
A simple rss feed with fade in animation and alternating background color taken from
    Shadow: yes
    Title Tag: H3
    Animation: Fade In
A rotating RSS feed taken from
    Shadow: no
    Short Description: no
    Rounded Corners: no
    Animation: Rotation
A RSS feed ticker taken from
    Shadow: yes
    Header: no
    Date: yes
    Animation: Ticker


      Title Tag: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, div
      Title color: color of the title
      Text color: color of the rest of the text
      Width: enter a value in px or %, for example "100%" or "600px"
      BG color (odd/even): setup colors for odd and even rows
      Row padding: The padding of the text inside of the box
      Row margin: The margin between two news boxes
      Shadow: Show a shadow around the box or not
      Shadow color: Color of the shadow
      Corner radius: Round corners
    Number of feeds: How many news of the feed should be shown
    Feed URL: url of the RSS feed
    Show description: Show or hide the content of the news
    Show Header title: Show or hide the title of the RSS feed
    Show Media: Shows media associated by the feed's news
    Show Date: Shows or hides the date of the news
    Date Format: Different options ti format the date of the news item
    Short description: Shows a shorter version of the description
      Fade in: If checked, all the news will fade in one after another
      Rotation: A list of rotating news. One drops from the list while all others slide upwards
      Ticker: a newsticker which shows the news like a typewriter one by one
    Use Cache: Disabling this will pull new news faster but may reduce page loading time

Browser Compatibility

  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox

Infos and Requirements

Rapidweaver 5/6/7
Stacks 2 only
Stacks 2 / 3
Compatible to
responsive themes
Internet connection
for preview