Social Privacy Stack

Use this Stack to create some privacy in this world of social media.
Facebook, Google and Twitter's plugins are communicating to their servers as soon as you enter a website. You normally don't need to click on a button in order to give them knowledge about your way through the internet.
Social Privacy uses placeholders on a first step. There's no communication with those social media servers unless you explicitely click on one of the placeholders which will dynamically load the corresponding plugin and enable the communication.
As a second step you can now click on the loaded social media plugins as you are used to know it...



Take a look at the three buttons at the bottom of this page.


    Url: you can enter an url otherwise the current page's url is used
    Language: You can choose between german and english
    Facebook: Enable Facebook
    Google Plus: Enable Google Plus
    Save Cookie: Saves whether you enabled a button or not

Browser Compatibility

  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer (rounded corners only in IE9+)
  • Firefox

Infos and Requirements

Rapidweaver 5/6/7
Stacks 2 only
Stacks 2 / 3
Stacks 3 only
Stacks 3.x
Internet connection
for preview